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lately ive been working my butt off. literally.

over the last few weeks i’ve lost a bunch of weight. i’m on track to have lost 20lb total by the end of this week.

i’ve learned that it’s all about the planning. from packing meals for work to planning for workouts and tracking every bit of food that goes in my body, it’s all part of a plan. it’s like the old saying – if you fail to plan then you should plan to fail.

well kids, i’m not going to fail. by october i’ll have lost almost 60lb if i keep on track and work hard. my life is getting easier as i get in better shape. i’m about 1/3 of the way there and i feel awesome. can’t wait to feel what it’s like to be in shape.

anyway, i have a few specific goals in mind for this journey and i can’t wait to meet them. my first milestone is 20lb lost and it’s just around the corner.

last night i had a killer workout – something i plan to do often over the coming months for the rest of my life.

on Sept 25 i and 3 other guys are running in the USMC Mud Run in south carolina. it’s an extra insane version of the Warrior Dash. believe it or not there are races that are supposedly even crazier, but we need to take baby steps 🙂

i have lots of motivation to complete the necessary preparation for the race. in short, i want to lose weight, get in shape, feel better about myself, open up some opportunities that aren’t currently available, and, perhaps most importantly, i want to have fun!

so here’s a short recap of the workout. i hit the treadmill for 45min. most of it was a brisk walk, but i ran hard for the last 5 minutes straight. then i hit the weights working on my arms, chest and shoulders. they need the most work. after i got home and rested for a little bit i went on a 1/2mi run and pushed about as hard as i could.

i know it doesn’t sound like much, but you have to start somewhere. i feel like i’m starting from scratch, but that’s ok. at least i’m starting!

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